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I am a recent immigrant to the Canadian prairies of Manitoba with my spouse Kevin Driedger. Before our move both of us were on staff at The Hermitage Community retreat center in Three Rivers, Michigan. I am a writer, spiritual director, and retreat leader.


In addition to graduating from California State University at Northridge as an English major in 1982, I also graduated from American University (Washington, D.C.) with a Master of Arts degree in journalism in 1986. Years later I moved from Pasadena, CA to attend seminary at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (Elkhart, Ind.) then graduated with a Master of Theological Studies with a focus on Christian Spirituality in 1996. Kevin and I met at seminary, made each other laugh, fell in love, and married, also in 1996.


I am an ordained Mennonite pastor although retired but still officiate family weddings. I have written for several Mennonite publications for the past few decades but more recently I’ve written for Geez Magazine, Bearings Online, The Other Journal, The Englewood Review of Books, and Mennonite Life. Links to some of these articles are available on the writings page.

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